Jasper Marcel

Outside Hitter / Middle Blocker

Class of 2024

Six Pack indoor volleyball

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Jasper Marcel

Outside Hitter / Middle Blocker


Discipline for Recruitment: Men’s Indoor Volleyball

Height: 6’4″

Spike Touch: 10’9″

Block Touch: 10’6″

Standing Reach: 8’2″

Wingspan: 6’5″

Upcoming Schedule

Schools Cup – August 2023
South Australian Volleyball League (SAVL)State League Juniors
SAVL Seniors

Athletic Accomplishments

  • South Adelaide State League Juniors (2023)
    South Adelaide Seniors Div 1/2 (2023)
    South Adelaide U19 Div 1 (2022)
    South Adelaide U19 Div 2 (2021)

  • VSA High Performance Pathway Tier 2 (2023-24)
    South Australian U19 State Team (2023)
    Volleyball South Australia (VSA) High Performance Pathway Tier 3 (2022/23)
    South Australian U18 State Team (2022)
    VSA Volleyball Academy (2021/22)

  • Volleyball Open Team (2020-2023, captain 2022/2023)
    Volleyball Year 10 team (2021, captain)
    Volleyball Year 8/9 team (2019/2020)

  • Willunga Waldorf School, Willunga.
    Class of 2023

  • AJVC 2023 9th place
    U19 Div 1 Coaches Award 2022
    AYVC 2022 7th place
    U19 Div 2 Coaches Award 2021
    Rank 181 out of 1428 in the Australian Beach Volleyball Senior Tour Ranking

  • Year 9/10 School Coach 2023
    Ran a skills development program at school for selected students - 2023

  • South Australia Beach Volleyball Series 2022/23 2-Star - 6th place in U19

Athlete Bio

Five words you can use to describe yourself as a high performance athlete.
  • Dedicated
  • Focused
  • Adaptable
  • Hard-working
  • Skilled
Five words you can use to describe yourself off your field of play.
  • Independent
  • Curious
  • Learner
  • Engaged
  • Focused
Describe how you work in a team.

I listen to and implement what the coach and captain say (i.e. position, strategy). I back up and support my teammates when they drop their heads and I am vocal on court.

Athletic highlights and how you felt when you received them:

When I joined South Adelaide in 2021 (at age 15), I had never played volleyball before outside of school. I trialled for the U17 team, but was selected for the U19 Div 2 team. I was incredibly surprised, and more than a little bit nervous, but that soon shifted to determination to use the opportunity to develop my skills.

When I was accepted into the VSA Volleyball Academy in 2021, I was elated because it was still my first year of volleyball, and it was a massive confidence boost. I had worked really hard and stepped outside my comfort level to give it a go, and was excited that the hard work was starting to pay off.

Another highlight was when I was accepted into the U18 South Australian State Team. I was proud that my hard work was continuing to pay off, as when I trialled the previous year I did not get in.

What are your interests outside of sports? Why do you like them?

I enjoy music and have played piano since Year Two. I love the myriad of expressions music can convey, and I particularly love movie soundtracks. A great soundtrack can turn a great movie into a masterpiece.

I also enjoy video games, and how immersive they have become. By taking control of the main character in a story, I feel like I am the main character.
I have also been closely following the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and eagerly await the next Star Wars installment. I have a great fondness for large, expansive universes in which various smaller stories can be told, and both the MCU and Star Wars are also very nostalgic for me, as I was first introduced to them at a young age.

Who are your role models and why?

I don’t have any specific role models. I love listening to and learning from other people’s stories, however there is not any one person I aspire to emulate. There are certain qualities I see in people that inspire me, but at the end of the day, my journey is mine to take.

Involvement in other sports or extracurricular. Why is it important for you?

I play piano, and took piano lessons until the end of 2022. It is an excellent stimulant for my brain, helps develop my fine motor skills, and provides some balance with school and volleyball. Although, between being in my final year of school and the distance required to travel for all my volleyball, it has been hard to find time to undertake any extracurricular activities this year.

Academic highlights and how you felt when you received them?

I was delighted when I scored 100% in both Math and the Artificial Intelligence Main Lesson, because I worked really hard in both those lessons and was very satisfied with the work I produced.
I am essentially a straight-A student, so every report card is an academic highlight and a reward for a semester’s hard work.

What program would you like to attend in school?

I would like to study either Physiology/Physiotherapy or Neuroscience.

How do you envision your school life in college/university?

It will be a contrast to what I am used to because I will no longer be at home. It will be busy and take a lot of organization, and I will have to manage study and volleyball loads to make sure I am successful at both. I will need to implement some skills that will be new to me (e.g. budgeting and scheduling), I will have the challenge of making new friends in a new place, but I am confident that I will be able to be successful, and I also know that I have an outstanding support network that I will be able to access.

Athlete Video

Coming soon!

The Six Pack Commitment

Will understand each and every athlete to ensure your recruiting experience is enjoyable and relaxing.

Regular online group meetings offering support with updates about your recruiting profile.


Will provide full email support during the recruiting process.

Professional athletic resume to be provided.
Will pre-screen in order to work with Canadian,  United States and overseas coaches.

We work for you.