Olivia Vallelunga


Class of 2025

Six Pack Indoor Volleyball

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Olivia Vallelunga



Discipline for Recruitment: Women’s Indoor Volleyball

Height: 5′ 6″

Spike Touch: 8′ 7.5″

Block Touch: 8′ 2″

Standing Reach: 7′ 0″

Wingspan: 5′ 6.8″

Upcoming Schedule

June 1st and 2nd: VB Recruits College Coaches Camp, Hamilton ON

June 15th: Western Prospects Camp, London ON

Athletic Accomplishments

  • SNVC 17U Giants, Captain, Setter (2023-2024), Tournaments played: Duluth Spring Classic, Minnesota North Showcase, OVA Provincials, Nike the Finale Tournament

    SNVC 16U Giants, Captain, Setter (2022-2023), Tournaments played: Minnesota North Cup, Duluth Cup, OVA Provincials, VC Calgary Nationals.

    SNVC 16U Black, Setter (2021-2022), Tournaments played: Various scrimmages and OVA Provincials.

  • St. Ignatius Senior Girls Volleyball: 2023-current
    St. Ignatius JGVB: 1st year captain, awarded most versatile player (2022-2023).

  • - St. Ignatius High School, Thunder Bay ON.
    - Class of 2025
    - 80% average
    - Grade 10 Honour Roll
    - Interested in Kinesiology and Physiotherapy.

  • Volunteer Middle School Volleyball Coach:
    Help assist coaching a local middle school team. Helped them develop skills such as hustling for the ball, talking loudly on the court, and reacting quick to tough balls.

    Children's Centre Thunder Bay / Gift Giver:
    Helped handing out gifts to clients and their families for Christmas. Organized time slots with co-responding gifts and gave them out to the correct families.

    Children's Centre Thunder Bay / Children’s Crafts:
    Helped put temporary tattoos on kids for the holidays, clean up, and kept the kids entertained at the event.

    LU Women's Volleyball/ Ball Girl:
    Handed out volleyballs to the women's team so they didn’t have to run to find one. Made sure any athlete who was serving had a ball.

Athlete Bio

Five words you can use to describe yourself as a high performance athlete.
  • Dedicated
  • Resilient
  • Uplifting
  • Determined
  • Supportive
Five words you can use to describe yourself off your field of play.
  • Kind
  • Patient
  • Funny
  • Tenacious
  • Reliable
Describe how you work in a team.

While working in a team environment I like to include the thoughts and ideas of everyone. I try to make others feel heard and confident enough to speak their mind without feeling judged. I also try to make a point of communicating constantly, especially in a volleyball setting, the team has to have an understanding of each other to create that positive energy on and off the court.

Athletic highlights and how you felt when you received them:

Captain for 17U: When my team chose me to be one of their captains for the second year in a row, I was incredibly grateful and excited. My team’s trust in my leadership over the past two years has shown me that even when I have natural moments of self doubt, that to my girls I can still handle this role and I know they agree with my decisions as a captain. I used this role to inspire my team to give their all in practice, be kind to themselves if something isn’t going how they wanted, and to keep persevering through a rough game or practice because no one is perfect, and we all deserve a little bit of grace during hard times.

Most versatile player award: When I received this award I felt beyond excited that my coaches thought of me as an all around great player. They trusted that I could handle any position on the court and not only be open to a change but adapt quickly to it.

Captain for 16U: When I found out I had been voted 1st captain (alongside 2 other incredible girls) I was ecstatic. As it was only my 2nd year playing club, the confidence in myself grew and the faith my teammates had in me to vote me as captain only motivated me to do my absolute best and put my 100% effort into every practice and game. I made a point of taking this leadership role seriously and not just using it as a selling point in a resume. I always put every last ounce of myself into our practices and I never took this role for granted.

Co-Captain of my high school team: When my high school coach came to tell me she had chosen me as one of our team’s captains I was in disbelief. This was my first year making the team and I didn’t expect for myself to have been chosen for this leadership role. Right away I tried my hardest to show that I did deserve this and the support I received from my teammates gave me a huge boost in my confidence in myself and what I can do. I made sure to help out the grade nines who hadn’t even touched a volleyball before and I always gave them my encouragement when mistakes were made. I loved being able to help them out because we were all there once and I was so proud that they gave us their best no matter what.

What are your interests outside of sports? Why do you like them?

My interests outside of sports include reading, spending time with my friends and family, and listening to music. I love to read any chance I get because it helps me focus and unwind from a busy day or week. While I love reading, I definitely enjoy spending time with the people I love more. Coming from a huge family, I love having the privilege of getting to see them as often as possible. My family and friends are my biggest supporters and I choose to surround myself around these incredible people because of the undying love they give me. Lastly, I love to listen to music. Music is so fantastic in the way that there is something for everyone, especially with all of Taylor’s albums! I listen to music every single day and there is always a perfect playlist for any mood I am in.

Who are your role models and why?

I personally have three role models: My mum, my dad, and my now old coach, Bek Hara. My mum is an immigrant from Finland, she moved to Thunder Bay at 3 years old with zero understanding of English. She always tells me stories of her early years and how she grew up with little to nothing, but I look at how far she has come and I could not be happier for her. My dad, whose parents had just immigrated from Italy before they had him, was born in Etobicoke and moved to Thunder Bay around the same time as my mum. Just like my mum, he did what he could with what life gave him. He grew up with 4 other siblings and started working as soon as he could so he could help provide for them, my Nonna, and my Nonno. He is the most hardworking person I know and no matter how old he gets, I swear he will never retire no matter how many injuries or set backs he may face. My parents came from nothing and have created the life they always wanted for my little sister and I. They are my biggest inspirations and I love them endlessly. Last but not least, my coach Bek. From my first summer camp with her a little over 2 years ago, I knew I needed to be on her team. She is the most dedicated, resilient, and gracious person I have ever met. Over these past 2 years of her coaching my team, she has only made me love this sport more and she has taught me to hold myself to a high standard, but give myself grace at the same time. Even though she is no longer coaching us, the impact she has left on me will stay in my heart forever, especially if I ever do “Haka” again, I will hear her voice in the back of my head cheering for me to get that ball up.

Involvement in other sports or extracurricular. Why is it important for you?

I have been involved in the Athletic Counsel at my High School for the past 3 years and I love it so much. Being involved with my school community is incredibly rewarding and I love being able to plan pep rallies to acknowledge all of our athletes from our fall sports and winter/spring/summer sports! It is important to me because I get to take on planning big events for my school, seeing my vision come to life and having everyone entertained is extremely gratifying. The responsibility of it all has made me dedicated to getting things done, keeping things organized, and confidence to allocate jobs to other members so we can work efficiently.

Academic highlights and how you felt when you received them?

Grade 10 Honor Roll was super rewarding to receive, although I couldn’t make it to the ceremony, this accomplishment has been something my family and I have been super proud of. My favourite memory from this reward was my Mummi posting my certificate on Facebook before I even had it myself! I still to this day do not know how she got it before my parents and I but it definitely gives me a good laugh when I think of it.

What program would you like to attend in school?

I would love to go into Kinesiology and Physiotherapy.

How do you envision your school life in college/university?

I envision my life being very busy and exciting. I will probably be out of my hometown experiencing life outside the walls of my home, creating new friendships, and achieving my goals. I will most likely be sad to leave my home, but I cannot wait to see what my future will look like!

Athlete Video

Coming soon!

The Six Pack Commitment

Will understand each and every athlete to ensure your recruiting experience is enjoyable and relaxing.

Regular online group meetings offering support with updates about your recruiting profile.


Will provide full email support during the recruiting process.

Professional athletic resume to be provided.
Will pre-screen in order to work with Canadian,  United States and overseas coaches.

We work for you.