Sarah Markusson

Setter / Right Side Hitter

Class of 2027

Six Pack Indoor Volleyball

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Sarah Markusson Class of 2027 setter right side hitter defender

Volleyball Instagram: @sarahmarkusson.volleyball

Personal Instagram: @sarahmarkusson

Sarah Markusson

Setter / Right Side Hitter


Discipline for Recruitment: Women’s Indoor Volleyball

Height: 5′ 5″

Upcoming Schedule

Indoor volleyball with PVC 3D Gems
Setter and Right Side

Indoor volleyball with PVC 3D
Planned to play in travelling team
Setter, Lib, Right Side

Attending indoor & beach tournaments with OVA


Athletic Accomplishments

  • 2023-2024
    Starting and top Setter
    PVC 3D Gems
    2 Gold
    - one in an invitational tournament
    - one in an OVA tournament

    1 silver
    - OVA tournament

    1 Bronze
    - OVA tournament

    Starting and top Setter
    Provincial Silver medalist

    MVP of OVA provincials championship


  • - All Skills Summer Academy
    Passing, serving, attack
    All Skills Summer Academy
    University of Toronto
    Toronto, Ontario
    August 2024

    - All Skills Summer Academy
    University of Toronto
    Toronto, Ontario
    August 2024

    - Sports Performance Volleyball Academy
    Setting Bootcamp Academy
    July 2024

    - Twice a week strength conditioning training at Steel Fitness with Steve Teel
    Toronto, Ontario

    - Daily dryland training with Coach Ish Joseph at Pureskills athletic
    Toronto, Ontario

    As per my coach’s statement:
    - Top setter of the club
    - Excellent defence
    - One the top servers of the teams in my division (having a record or 14 serves in a row)
    - Great passer
    - Co-captain and leader of the team
    2021- present day

  • 2023-2024 Crestwood Preparatory College
    - Setter

    2022-2023 Crestwood Preparatory College

  • Crestwood Preparatory College, Toronto, Ontario
    Class of 2027

    - 2023-2024
    3.33 GPA
    Honour Roll

    - 2024
    Honourable Mention Intermediate Essay In REMEMBRANCE DAY LITERARY CONTEST

    Honour Roll

    Honour Roll with distinction

    At university, I would like to study in a field to help me pursue a law degree eventually

  • 2024
    Lions of the week (dedicated to the best athlete of the week)
    Crestwood Preparatory College

    PVC 3D Gems
    Top setter of the team
    Top defence pf the team
    One the top severs of the team in my divisions (holding record of 14 serves in a row)
    Excellent defer
    Great passer
    Leader and Co-captain of the team

    MVP of Volleyball for CISAA
    Crestwood Preparatory College

    MVP of OVA Provincial Championship

  • Women Rights Activist 2022- present time

    Documenting WWII veteran’s stories for a history documentary 2023-2024

  • Played in weekly OVA beach Tournaments

    Training as Defender
    The Northern Elite Academy 2024
    Pureskills Beach Club 2021-2024
    Pureskills Atheists 2021-2024

Athlete Bio

Five words you can use to describe yourself as a high performance athlete.
  • Coachable
  • Positive
  • Motivated
  • Persistent
  • Patient
Five words you can use to describe yourself off your field of play.
  • Never lie, cheat, or break a promise
  • Compassionate
  • Never quit
  • High achiever
  • Hard worker
Describe how you work in a team.

I love to motivate my teammates and bring their energy up. I always try to encourage and cheer on teammates who may not be doing great to make sure they know it’s okay to make mistakes and that we are all here to learn and we can give our best next time. I know we all have bad days and I want all of us on the court we forget everything and be a unit. I also know the more I know and learn as a player my responsibility is higher. I know I need to be humble and patient because my attitude and reaction can have a direct effect on some of the players that may not have the same strong mentality and knowledge of the game so I need to be there to support them and tell them not to quit and just keep on pushing.

Athletic highlights and how you felt when you received them:

Details coming

What are your interests outside of sports? Why do you like them?

Details coming

Who are your role models and why?

My role model is my mom, Tania Markusson. She’s a child of war, a divorced parent and a breast cancer survivor. She grew up in a country (Iran) where women were not seen as equal citizens to men and she had to push through so much hardship in her life. Coming to Canada as an immigrant at 19 years of age, she thought she would have her break but when I was 3 years old she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. For the sake of her two young kids and her family, she pushed through it and endured all the hardship and now she’s a survivor with so much love and care to give to people. She is always happy and never quits on anything and anyone and I want to be like her and never accept no for an answer and know if I want anything I can work hard and achieve it. She’s truly my best friend and my role model.

Involvement in other sports or extracurricular. Why is it important for you?

Rep hockey player
The North York Storm
I started to challenge myself to learn how to skate and playing hockey. Within 7 months I not only learned how to play hockey but I got accept in a rep team and one of the best clubs in Canada (North York Storm). I played there as a defence and loved every second of it but because both hockey and volleyball season overlapped I had to choice the sport which I had much more passion for, volleyball.

At school beside volleyball I play ultimate frisbee and track and field as I believe all the sport in combination can make me a well rounded and better athlete for my main sport which is volleyball.

Crestwood Preparatory College
Silver in CISSA D2

Crestwood Preparatory College

Academic highlights and how you felt when you received them?

I was so excited to receive my Honourable Mention Intermediate Essay award in the Remembrance Day Literary Contest. I wrote that essay putting myself in the shoes of a veteran during WWII being away from their family, house and everything they loved. It was a very touching and awakening experience for me as I’m very family-oriented and couldn’t imagine how must have felt knowing you may never see your loved ones again. Writing that essay and researching it by itself gave me so much enjoyment and appreciation for the life we have now at the sacrifice of so many in the past. I was hoping my writing could express all the feelings that I have and make a tiny impression on my hearts of the readers. Therefore, when I received the award, was so touching for me because it meant I was able to some degree do justice and express the true feelings that a soldier might have had in those tough times, away from his family. That was my honour and to be awarded for that was very fulfilling and rewarding.

What program would you like to attend in school?

I love justice, human rights and law and I would love one day to be a lawyer specialized in human right field.

How do you envision your school life in college/university?

My biggest hope is that I will be able to play my sport as I can’t ever imagine one day I have to stop playing volleyball. Besides that, I want to make the most use of what the school has to offer to make myself better both academically and athletically. I also would love to be able to meet some like-minded people and build connections and friendships with people of different cultures and nationalities. I love to hear their stories and share mine and use college/university to make myself to better version of myself for my future.

Athlete Video

Coming soon!

The Six Pack Commitment

Will understand each and every athlete to ensure your recruiting experience is enjoyable and relaxing.

Regular online group meetings offering support with updates about your recruiting profile.


Will provide full email support during the recruiting process.

Professional athletic resume to be provided.
Will pre-screen in order to work with Canadian,  United States and overseas coaches.

We work for you.