Sofia Medina


Class of 2025

Dual citizenship – Mexico & Canada

NCAA #xxx-xxx-9556

Six Pack Indoor Volleyball

Get discovered. commit.

Sofia Medina



Discipline for Recruitment: Women’s Indoor Volleyball

Height: 5′ 7″

Spike Touch: 9′ 3″

Block Touch: 8′ 8 1/2″

Standing Reach: 7′ 3″

Wingspan: 5′ 7″

Vertical: 23″

Upcoming Schedule

Coming soon

Athletic Accomplishments

  • - Fusion Volleyball Club 18u purple (2024-2025)

    Maverick volleyball club, Ottawa (2018- 2024)

    - Maverick El Dorado 17u (2023-2024)
    February 2024- Gold trillium 17u tournament, Peterborough
    January 2024- Bronze trillium 18u tournament, Ottawa
    December 2023- Silver trillium 18u tournament, Pembrooke

    - Maverick Wildcards 16u (2022-2023)
    May 2023- Gold D1T13 16u nationals, Calgary
    March 2023- Gold trillium 17u tournament, Ottawa
    January 2023- Silver trillium 17u tournament, Ottawa

    - Maverick Ambush 15u (2021-2022)
    March 2022- Silver 15u tournament, Niagara

    - Maverick Raiders 14u (2020-2021) (no season)

    - Maverick Sidewinders 13u (2019-2020)
    March 2020- Silver 14u tournament, Kingston
    February 2020- Gold 13u tournament Kingston
    February 2020- Bronze 14u tournament Kingston

    - Maverick spurs 12u (2018-2019)

    - Volleyball team Juarez, 10-11 years old (Mexico city) (2017-2018)

  • - Master Volleyball Training (2024 July-August) (With former NCAA coach, Samuel
    - Online training with the former Mexican national coach Jorge Azair, and one of the best setters who played in the Mexican national team Pedro Rangel (April-May 2024)
    - Volleyball positioning camp (VPC) (2022-2023), setting position

  • Collège catholique Samuel-Genest (setter throughout all years as well as team captain for volleyball)
    -11th grade volleyball team (2023-2024)
    -10th grade soccer team (2023)
    -10th grade volleyball team (2022-2023)
    -9th grade volleyball team (2021-2022)
    -8th grade no season (Covid)
    -7th grade volleyball team (2019-2020)

  • -Collège catholique Samuel-Genest, Ottawa, Ontario
    -Class of 2025
    - 9th grade overall avergae 86% (3.7 gpa)
    - 10th grade overall average 83% (3.3 gpa)
    - 11th grade first semester average 85% (3.7 gpa)

  • - Athlete by excellence, 11th grade (volleyball 2023-2024)
    - Athlete by excellence, 10th grade (volleyball 2022-2023)
    - Athlete by excellence, 9th grade (volleyball 2021-2022)
    - No season due to covid (2020-2021)
    - Athlete by excellence, 7th grade (volleyball 2019-2020)

  • Volunteerism:
    - Playing basketball at the Special Olympics with school team (June 2024) (Chatham, ontario)
    - Helping out the Franco Ontario Autism Society with a day at the waterpark (July 2024) (Mont-Cascade)
    - Volleyball Nations League-VNL (helping in the field of court) TD Place Ottawa, Ontario (2022)
    - Ottawa's annual marathon (setting up stations with water and handing them out, cheering on the participants) (2022-2023)
    - Doing points for volleyball as well as basketball games at school

  • - 1st place at local beach tournament (July 2024) (Max Volley)
    - 2022-2023 summer- 1st place in competitive summer league (2023) as well as participations in OVA tournaments
    - 2021 August 14th- Gold 14u OVA, Ottawa
    - 2021 August 8th- Gold 14u OVA, Ottawa

Athlete Bio

Five words you can use to describe yourself as a high performance athlete.
  • Coachable
  • Optimistic
  • Encouraging
  • Disciplined
  • Determined
Five words you can use to describe yourself off your field of play.
  • Independent
  • Responsible
  • Joyful
  • Attentive
  • Persistent
Describe how you work in a team.

In a team especially because I am a setter, I tend to always cheer on my teammates when we’re on a low point and telling them we will pull through. I stay positive and help my teammates at all times. Again like mentioned before, in situations like serve receive I cannot do much but I do support my teammates when we are in need to. I try to give feedback to improve it and push through. As much as I stay positive and supportive on the court, I believe in not “forgetting” about mistakes and moving on. I believe that if a mistake, I can’t forget about it and I need to make it better next time.

Athletic highlights and how you felt when you received them:

Details coming

What are your interests outside of sports? Why do you like them?

I love travelling as well to different countries. Even though I haven’t travelled a lot, I wish to do it in the future. I love learning about new cultures and languages as well as being outside in nature.

Who are your role models and why?

One of my role models is Matias Sanchez from the men’s Argentinian national volleyball team. The reason why he is, is because like me, he is a very short setter. Even though because of the height limitation he has, he is still an amazing setter and does not fail to impress me. The fact that he is in his country’s national team is already mind blowing to me. He has an amazing technique and is very intelligent. He is 1.73m tall but still manages to do incredible things when he is at net level. This is something that I admire because I am trying to be like him. I am limited when it comes to my height but like Matias, I am working hard on getting up at the net.

I also look up to Luciano Dececco who is the main setter in the Argentinian team. He is extremely crafty and in the most limited time or tough situations he will still pull the craziest move ever and score a point. Again, I watch a lot of his games or highlights and try to take in everything he does and try to apply it on the court. Two other setters that I also admire a lot are Bruno Rezende from the Brasilian team and Micah Christenson from the USA team. They are both insanely skilled as well and I admire Micah a lot because even though he is right handed he has worked in his leftie for many years and it is shown in his game play. He uses it to his advantage and scores many points. This is something that I have been working on as well and continue in the future.

Involvement in other sports or extracurricular. Why is it important for you?

Details coming

Academic highlights and how you felt when you received them?

Details coming

What program would you like to attend in school?

I am looking to go into social science and social work!

How do you envision your school life in college/university?

Details coming

Athlete Video

The Six Pack Commitment

Will understand each and every athlete to ensure your recruiting experience is enjoyable and relaxing.

Regular online group meetings offering support with updates about your recruiting profile.


Will provide full email support during the recruiting process.

Professional athletic resume to be provided.
Will pre-screen in order to work with Canadian,  United States and overseas coaches.

We work for you.